Wise Words


Interesting traditions, testimonials and writings related to the Inner Being.

Une expérience psychique – Moghan (French)

Une expérience psychique – Moghan (French)

Lors d'une soirée entre amis à Auroville, je partageais avec d'anciens Auroviliens une expérience de mon enfance. Je devais alors avoir cinq ou six ans et allongé dans mon lit, les mains croisées sur ma poitrine. J'entrais dans une sorte de ravissement à l'écoute du...

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A pointing beam on earth’s uncertain roads – Tency

A pointing beam on earth’s uncertain roads – Tency

South-Indian landscapes are dotted with monumental towers, recognizable from far away and usually painted with bright colours. The striking architectural marvels are the entry towers around temple complexes. The gopurams resemble staircases, with staggered steps...

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Parhelia/o: A Sacred Chamber Performance – Dan

Parhelia/o: A Sacred Chamber Performance – Dan

A Classic Spiritual Path, from the first connection to the conscious relationship with our Soul. This story is inspired by the multiple testimonies we received during interviews. Asking the same questions about obstacles and joys encountered, we were struck by the...

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A Torch in the Dark – James Anderson

A Torch in the Dark – James Anderson

This book guides you to the threshold of your soul, wherein lies the true mastery, the key to leading a life of sublime well-being. However, we must be open to change. This requires a quantum leap, a reversal of consciousness, the foundation to all practice. The...

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The invisible always surrounds the visible – Tency

The invisible always surrounds the visible – Tency

She saw that the complexity of the universe could not be explained in the present terms of man or seen by his superficial sight, that there were other powers behind, other powers within man himself of which he is normally unaware, that he is conscious only of a small...

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Am I in touch with my Psychic Being? –  Zafar Satyavan

Am I in touch with my Psychic Being? – Zafar Satyavan

The answer is obviously yes, but recently after the pandemic episode, my inner life has been disrupted to some extent because of the amount of falsehood and the confusion in human society that has happened. I have had to reset everything and that is what I’m doing...

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The liberating Joy of the search for the Essence – Tency

The liberating Joy of the search for the Essence – Tency

During a conversation about his book on the life and thought of Sri Aurobindo, the Never-dying Fire, Luc Venet mentioned that he had indeed considered writing a book about Mother. If such a book ever materializes, it would be on Mother’s transformation of her body and...

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Finding the Psychic Being – Loretta

Finding the Psychic Being – Loretta

SRI AUROBINDO AND MOTHER Finding the Psychic Being INTRODUCTION This book contains quotations from Sri Aurobindo and Mother which were used in an exhibition titled "Sri Aurobindo and Mother, Finding the Psychic Being". In the yoga of personal growth and transformation...

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The Psychic Being – Paulette

The Psychic Being – Paulette

On April 1st, 2011, Fool’s Day, I started writing on the psychic being. Appalled by the misuse of the term I never speaks about and here I was, compelled to write about as if a question of life and death. Indeed, it is. Cycling, as during my solitary walks, I dialogue...

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