Our Intentions

The Project
The project began when I started to translate the book: ‘Finding the Psychic Being’, by Loretta, from English into French. Diving into this work a few hours per day brought me closer to what was happening within me. I came to understand that this quest could be very practically fulfilled in everyone’s life. I started to share this awareness with my close network, and it resonated with them.
At that time, there were many elements of difficulty and challenge in my life, and I have been experiencing uncertainty, fear and inner questioning of how to deal with it all. I responded to this tension by taking refuge in a deeper and more inner part of my being, leading, perhaps paradoxically, to an enhanced potential for spiritual growth.
This made me wonder if, by focusing more on the spiritual, essential and profound dimension, the current focus of our world could shift to a level that would be more aligned with its very purpose. The idea developed that sharing personal stories of those who are consciously concentrating on this quest and seeking their Inner Being, may provide momentum to such a goal.
On top of that, I found that this quest of the Psychic Being has similarities with building of the ‘Coat of the Soul’, described in the esoteric branch of Christianity. This way it adds interest and purpose by collecting different testimonials from various origins and backgrounds. This illustrates an endeavour which is of concern for all mankind, as a response to the current confusion in the world.

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