On April 1st, 2011, Fool’s Day, I started writing on the psychic being. Appalled by the misuse of the term I never speaks about and here I was, compelled to write about as if a question of life and death. Indeed, it is.
Cycling, as during my solitary walks, I dialogue with ‘the child’ within, entering another world. To do good to all creatures: this is what ‘the child’ is about. I do know that I belong to that other world, where I enter at will, and which I always knew as the real thing: the inner world of my childhood. The outer world is desecrating fiction temporarily concealing the real thing: kalos kai agathos, the beautiful and good of ancient Greece.
The higher vital screams in anguish at the squalor I am confronted with. Screams when I read the world news and the local ones. Anguish and hopelessness, wherever I turn. But the more I am confronted with the suffering imparted by my fellow beings, the more ‘the child’ asserts itself. When the outer being is but a mass of indescribable pain ‘the child’ takes over, calm, putting forward his raison d’ être: the advent of the new world and society.
‘The child’ in us can and will take over, even if only for a short while, to remind us to never lose hope. We cannot give up, cannot let ourselves go. Shattered to pieces, we must resist and say no to all that wants us to give up. Destruction is all over, within as without Auroville. But we do have the psychic being, our one asset. If others’ psychic beings join and resist, Auroville will be reborn out of its ashes. Group-soul! And so will the world, if the psychic beings all over the planet take the rein of the individual personalities and everyone stands for what’s high and noble and beautiful, calling it upon earth by the force of the collective soul.
The supramental is to be reached by stages, the journey has begun; the power to bring it down on earth rests with us. To activate that power the psychic must take over: the psychic world – a first step of the ascension – is contingent and real.
The psychic being only can save the world. You. I. LOVE. There is no other way. The psychic being is the soul in us that aspires for a world of justice and equity, of compassion, understanding and charity. This is the purport of educational fairy tales, Sri Aurobindo saw the qualities of the psychic being as typical of the Christian saints. If children are reared that way there are strong chances that, instead of being superseded by mental education (and simultaneously with it, the burgeoning low vital and its passions), the psychic being will keep guiding them through life. Even if this is not visible all the time, its stronghold remains as the guidance and sustenance through the challenge of life.
The psychic being is the knight within us, the champion of the poor and the oppressed, of the weak and the enslaved. If we allow its silent flame, always turned to the light, to organize our lives the psychic being will make of it an expression of integral beauty: beauty of feelings, beauty of deeds, beauty of aspiration and lofty ideals. Even the seemingly insignificant actions of daily life will have their dignity for nothing is unworthy, nothing too trivial for the Divine. Each second spent on earth should be part of an everlasting work of art according to which we should fashion our existence.
The psychic being will not shun from the anti-divine forces that belittle and deny it. Incapable of feelings such as hostility, superiority, judgment or repulsion, the psychic being is the calm, strong warrior that serenely faces Darkness and turns it into Light. For, ultimately, everything is the Divine, the Four Emanations too. Born out of It, to the Divine they shall return, once the grand opus of transformation is achieved.
Paulette, April 1st, 2011